To Volunteer to help, please start with the Volunteer Job List of Jobs that are available to find one or more positions that are unfilled, and then use the online Volunteer Offer Form to submit your offer to help.
In addition to the regular activities of the National Convention, the convention also provides an opportunity to further involve yourself in the activities of the NMRA and the running of the convention. Because the convention is operated completely on the work of volunteers, a significant number of individuals stepping forward to assist will make the convention more enjoyable and beneficial to all attendees. Most of the volunteer jobs are administrative in nature and require as few as two hours of dedicated effort. Many regular attendees volunteer year after year because they get a great kick out of helping make the convention a success.
The list of volunteer positions currently identified include:
Volunteer Desk
Registration Office
Silent Auction Room
Clinics Assist
Transportation Desk
Non-Rail Hospitality Room
Company Store
Contest Room Bag Check
Silent Auction Room Bag Check
There has been some question about the benefits of being a convention volunteer.
Here is a list to ponder upon as you make your decision to help out.
1. T-shirt identifying you as a volunteer that gets worn at future conventions and activities to let people know you stand up and become a "giver" when the call goes out.
2. Opportunity to meet any number of other modelers from around the world and start or renew friendships.
3. Opportunity to have "hallway chats" with NMRA leadership and all those guys you have heard about but never though you would meet (Tony Koester, for example).
4. Opportunity to earn Volunteer points.
5. Good way to get familiar with the national convention operation (for first time attendees) and to help fellow members to enjoy the convention.
6. If you are not registered you still get a chance to enjoy the convention flavor and the benefits in 1 through 5 above.
7. You do not need to be registered for the convention to volunteer. However, you do have to be registered for the convention to participate in any convention activities beyond your volunteering area.
It’s not "What's in it for me?" but rather "How can my volunteer effort be mutually beneficial to NMRA, fellow members, and me?"
The following is a list of the volunteer Tasks normally required during the convention:
1. Volunteer Desk - coordinate volunteer assignments in real time and continued recruiting of volunteers. Requires good "people" skills and the ability to maintain assignment schedules. (Continuous throughout convention)
2. Registration Office - Distribution of registration packets to early registrants. Requires administrative skills and sufficient physical ability to handle assembly of registration materials. (Normally first three days of convention)
3. Silent Auction Room - Sign in auction items and maintain general order in the auction room. Requires good administrative skills and physical ability to wander the auction room for security and assistance. (Normally throughout convention)
4. Clinics Assistance - Help in making sure clinic rooms are properly set up for the clinic to be presented and that the room is ready for the clinician. May include some effort with simple AV hookup. May include service in Clinic Office checking clinic materials in and out for clinician use and operation of copy machine. Physical ability to move tables and chairs and some moderate ability with AV equipment hook up (training to be provided for convention specific equipment)
5. Transportation Desk - Assist in organizing attendees participating in tours for effective bus loading. Requires some administrative skill for ticket sales and people skills for dealing with attendee questions. Actual fund transactions will be handled by host committee. Required throughout convention.
6. Non-Rail Hospitality Room - general assistance to non-rail attendees and maintaining the room in good order. Required throughout the convention.
7. "Ask Me" Desk - Serves as the general information booth for the convention. Normally assigned to Local volunteers who have knowledge of local transportation, local activities, and good knowledge of the convention program. Required throughout convention
8. Company Store - general assistance in setting up and maintaining store stock on display.
9. Contest Room - operate the bag check table for the contest room. Take in bags of individuals entering the room, secure the bags and restore bags to their owners when they depart. Convention committee will provide secure space for storage and materials necessary to complete check service.
10. Silent Auction Bag Check - operate the bag check table for the Silent Auction room. Take in bags of individuals entering the room, secure the bags and restore bags to their owners when they depart. Convention committee will provide secure space for storage and materials necessary to complete check service.
For additional details, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Jack Hamilton at