Room List

This is a list of the hotel Rooms used for the convention.

The locations are shown on the Hotel Floor Plans

Click on a Room name for more details including a list of the activities in that room.

Click on the Comment field for more information about that topic.

Namesort descending Floor Part of Comment
Alaska 1st, DoubleTree Hotel Pacific Northwest Ballroom

Non-Rail Hospitality Room and Luncheon

Broadway 1st, DoubleTree Hotel Lloyd Center Ballroom


Exhibit Hall 1st, DoubleTree Hotel

Tour Desk, Tour Dispatch, Auction

Expo Center Portland Expo Center

National Train Show, Transit Directions

Halsey 1st, DoubleTree Hotel Lloyd Center Ballroom


Hawthorne 1st, DoubleTree Hotel Willamette Ballroom

Company Store

Holladay 1st, DoubleTree Hotel Lloyd Center Ballroom


Holladay Park Across 11th Avenue from the hotel Welcome to Portland Ice Cream Social
Idaho 1st, DoubleTree Hotel Pacific Northwest Ballroom

Non-Rail Room

Lloyd Center Ballroom 1st, DoubleTree Hotel

Awards Banquet

Morrison 1st, DoubleTree Hotel Willamette Ballroom

Convention Office

Mt. Bachelor 2nd, DoubleTree Hotel Cascade Ballroom


Mt. Hood 2nd, DoubleTree Hotel Cascade Ballroom


Mt. Saint Helens 2nd, DoubleTree Hotel Cascade Ballroom


Multnomah 2nd, DoubleTree Hotel Lloyd Center Ballroom


Oregon 1st, DoubleTree Hotel Pacific Northwest Ballroom

Non-Rail Clinics

Portland 2nd, DoubleTree Hotel


Roosevelt 1st, DoubleTree Hotel Executive Meeting Center

BOD Meeting

Ross-Island 1st, DoubleTree Hotel Willamette Ballroom

Clinic Office

Sellwood 1st, DoubleTree Hotel Willamette Ballroom


TBA This is a placeholder for activities that do not yet have a room assigned to them.
Three Sisters 2nd, DoubleTree Hotel Cascade Ballroom


Washington 1st, DoubleTree Hotel Executive Meeting Center

Modeling With The Masters

Weidler 1st, DoubleTree Hotel Lloyd Center Ballroom


Widmer Brewing 929 N Russell Street

SIG Dinner, Transit Directions