Preregistration for the Portland convention and its tours has been closed so that NMRA staff can organize the pre-registration packages and have everything ready for opening day. Only online sales of Merchandise, (cars, shirts, etc.) is continuing through our Merchandise Page.
Pre-Registration will open for pickup on Saturday, August 22 from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM, and continue on Sunday, August 23 starting at 7:00 AM when on-site registration will also open. Registration will continue daily until Friday. This will allow registration ahead of any activities. If you haven't registered, that's not a problem. All tours that were available when the on-line registration function was closed, will be available on site of a first-come, first served basis just as they have been on-line in recent months.
We have a great convention organized and waiting for you, so please come to Portland and join us for all or part of the convention week.
Doug Auburg
NMRA 2015 Portland