MWTM - Scratch Building Loads For Your Freight Cars

Event #: 

Your lead instructor on this session is Peter Youngblood, MMR. Using styrene sheets, shapes and wood, you’ll learn how to make removable steel coil loads and two different types of cradles to secure them prototypically in USRA gondolas. MWTM will supply you with the appropriate car in your scale for this project.

Date & Time: 
Tuesday, August 25, 2015 - 1:00pm to 5:30pm
Max Registrants: 
HO and N
Lead Instructor: 
Peter Youngblood, MMR
Clark Kooning, MMR, Fred Headon, MMR and Jim Gore MMR

Required Tools

- # 1 Xacto knife with extra new #11 blades
- Small hobby square
- Emery boards
- Razor Saw w/fine tooth blade
- 2 Paint brushes (#00 & #3)
- 12” Steel ruler graduated in inches
- Self-healing cutting mat 8 1/2” x 12” or larger

Bring any other tools you usually use or might find useful.

Optional tools

Optivisor, extra work light. These are handy tools which you could use in our sessions, but it is not essential that you buy them just for this week. It is your option!

A good way to carry all of these tools is to buy a small inexpensive plastic tackle box. These are usually available at department stores year round.

Please note an updated tool list may be sent to you the week prior to the convention.
If not listed here, we will provide materials such as glues and paints

Day Time Room
Tuesday, Aug 25 1:00 PM to 5:30 PM Washington