The use of sound in model railroading goes beyond DCC sound decoders in locos and cars. DCC sound decoders can also be customized for other models. Creating background layout sound has become easier to create, customize, and implement too. This clinic will explore your options for adding sound to your models and layouts, using different approaches, techniques, sources, and players. Come and find out how you can make some new joyful noise!
Making things move is virtually synonymous with model railroading. But making things move realistically can go way beyond movement on rails. This clinic will review different mechanisms and means to add movement to scenes, buildings, cars and models to add visible "life" to your layout. Small, scale, smooth mechanisms can be built at low cost using a variety of techniques. Come see how you can move your world!
Layout lighting was once relegated to headlights, coaches and "whole house" lights. The availability of bright, tiny, light emitting diodes (LEDs) and other new technology opens opportunities for modelers that go beyond the norm. This clinic will look into combining these LEDs with "new" materials and electronic control expanding modeling options even more. These dynamic lighting techniques can enliven scenes and layouts in a big way. Come and find out how to light your way!
Monarch Mine on my HO scale C&S Northern Division needed a removable tipple structure with moving hoist cables to cover its live-coal loader mechanism. This clinic shows how to scratch build a very large animated coal mine tipple, headframe, and boiler house to match prototype photos from the 1930s. Techniques include strip wood, styrene, and brass construction, and finishing with painting and weathering. Simple electronics and motors bring the model to life.
Every division yard and many large industries weigh freight with track scales. Based on 15 years operating experience on my HO Scale C&S Railway this clinic shows how to model railroad track scales. It includes traditional and modern scales, track arrangements, scale houses, and scale test cars. It also explains how to systematically integrate weighing into model railroad operations, including freight movements, scale certification, and car card/way bill systems.
Don's photo presentation will showcase his completed 16' x 20' DC/DCC N scale model railroad depicting Southern Pacific's operations in California from 1971 to 1996. Special features include an operating scale track, drive-in theater, signals, grade crossings, talking hot box detector and night lighting. His discussion will cover design concept, construction methods, special features and lessons learned throughout the process.